Monday, October 1, 2012

So I finally did it...

So I finally did it: I am blogging. I really had to think about this very hard, but lately there have been so many people writing e mails and Facebook messages for me, that I guess this will be a little bit easier than to write back to all of them individually.

The title of my blog has many meanings. Firstly in a way these writings are just small bites of my journey towards better results in Bikini Fitness. Secondly then again, let's face it... Sometimes this stuff just BITES, big time. It's the times you would just like to cuddle against your boyfriend in the morning under a warm blanket and you realize it's time for that morning cardio. Or how about the times when you go out for a dinner with your friends and can not share a family sized pizza? Nevertheless, I think it's all worth it  AND it is MY path which I have chosen to walk. Oh and thirdly, let's not forget "Bikini Bite". Every bikini competitors best friend, which glues your teeny weeny bikini to your skin.

But why did I choose to write this in English then? Well, there are various reasons for this. Firstly I have always enjoyed reading all sorts of literature in English, secondly I am currently working in a large international company so using English actually good practice for me. Oh, and not to forget my friends all over the World who have also been asking me how I am doing.

So what can I say, sit back, fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Please feel free to comment, I will try to respond ASAP (which honestly can take days, or weeks even) :))