Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby's got (a bad) back

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

About a month ago, I woke up to quite a heavy back pain. It's not like I haven't had my share of back pains before, but this time I could feel it was something more serious than just regular muscle pain from training.

So, I decided that I woul not wait for the pain to just go away by itself, and went to the doctors. I am lucky that I have health care which is provided by the company I work for, but the first visit to the doctor's was almost next to nothing. They just gave me mild painkillers and sent me home to rest for a couple of days.

After these couple of days, the pain was starting to get unbearable, so back to the doctor's I went. The solution was to perscribe me stronger painkillers and more rest. The new painkillers didn't help at all, and I almost lost my ability to move completely. The pain was so severe that I couldn't even get up from bed by myself. I have to thank the heavens for my amazing boyfriend who took care of me for these weeks I was almost about to lose my mind because of the pain.

Finally, after two weeks I got an appointment with a doctor who specialises in back pains. Finally I got the feeling that I am being taken seriously. He ordered some very strong painkillers for me and arranged an MRI for me.

So, what was the verdict then? What's wrong with my back?

I could write the entire page of the diganosis, but let's keep it simple:
1. I have three injured spinal discs, which have leaked the spinal fluid and have moved backwards
2. They also found an old injury, a sort of a ruptured spinal disc which has to be over a year old
(I have no idea when this has happened, I don't remember of being in serious pain before)
3. I also have a slight scoliosis in my back

Reality check time!

So what can I say. I have no idea if I can continue in the Bikini Fitness competitions ever again. The doctor said that it could take up to a year until my back is completely painless.
But to tell you the truth... I am now just happy about the fact that I can walk and move again!

I learned a lot about being a captive at home. To value life, to value my job, to value my family and friends. So, now the only way is up. I've started my rehabilitation program and I haven't  felt this much alive in a long time.

So, I will NOT give up on sports, but I have to rehabilitate myself and take baby steps towards a painless future. Take care of your backs people! Stay warm and look out for slippery and icy pavement!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Gym: The Yin and Yang of training

Gym, that place where every Fitness Competitor, Bodybuilder and all kinds of athletes spend hours and hours sweating and swearing every week. Not to forget the "common people": the ones that just go to the gym for their own pleasure, to stay healthy, to get skinny or maybe just because the doctor told them to. To some people the gym is a place to be seen, when others would prefer that no one would ever see them pulling off that final rep in squats.  

I must admit one of my favorite episodes of "The Simpsons" 
is the episode where Homer hits the gym. 
At first he doesn't even know how to say the word 
and is wondering what "guy-m" is.

The variety of gyms even in Helsinki is vast. From the original basement gyms, to the huge chain organizations to the newest "Well Being Centers". I am sure everyone can find their kind of a gym. So the argument, "I just don't feel like I belong there" is hardly a valid argument when one chooses not to go to the gym (of course at this point I would like to emphasize than NO ONE is obliged to go to the gym, there are many other forms of activities to keep you happy and healthy).

Nevertheless, personally I must admit regarding my preferences when it comes to gyms, I am somewhat divided in half. I happen to think, that in life and also in training you need the Yin and the Yang. As some of you might know, Yin and Yang are not opposing forces, but complementary forces that interact to form a greater wholeA balanced training to me means a balanced body and a balanced body leads to a balanced mind. 

So what represents the Yang in my training life? 
"Words that describe Yang: positive, male, day, active, sun. logical, hot, hard"

This is definitely the gym that I go to when I want to do that heavy, intensive and off the charts workout with out any extra chit chats or gimmicks. GB Gym is the place to be for "cut the crap" work outs and I love the fact that I can go there when ever I like because it is open 24/7 for their members. The owners and other staff are amazing people and the variety of the equipment is great. Even in the rush hour you usually don't have to wait for your turn very long, because people are nice and share the equipment with you if you just ask (with a smile).

How about Yin then?
"Words that describe Yin: negative, female, night, passive, moon, intuitive, cold soft"

I'm afraid this might come as a shock, especially to the people who know me, but I am also a member of the Lady Line gym chain. I do not go there to do any heavy duty workouts, but I am very pleased with their selection of yoga, stretching and abs lessons. I am also a heavy user of their infra red sauna, in which I must admit I spent many hours before the Fitness Expo. I also have the kind of gym pass, which allows me to go to any establishment of theirs all around Finland. This is an excellent feature for me, as I am travelling a lot because of my work. Oh, and they also have those massage chairs, I must admit I love.

Ok, no worries people. You still wont be seeing me 
in any Zumba classes in the future either.

A balanced workout leads to a balanced mind, a balanced mind leads to a balanced life?

I  think that in workouts and in life in general you just have to have both: The Yin and the Yang. Those "I am just about to puke in my mouth" leg days, to those late nights when you first go to a hot yoga class, and afterwards relax in an infrared sauna. One really should listen to their body and mind. Especially now, when the autumn blues in getting to people, the flu season is kicking in and the sun keeps on hiding for days. So, keep warm, eat your vitamins, eat clean food, stay positive and work out either very hard or just to relax from the day. The sure thing is, hard or easier training, the result always is: You will feel great(or at least better) afterwards. 

I did not draw this myself. 
I found it in the web but I think it is awesome 
and just about sums it up
pretty nicely. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Who do you look up to? What keeps you going? And how about post-competition depression, how do you cope with that?

Lately I have been thinking a lot about motivation. What is the force that keeps me going, who do I look up to and where can I find the strength to go on with this project after the competition season is over.

Mr Nyyssölä, which has a very inspirational blog about a bodybuilder's life in Finnish, wrote about post-competition depression a couple of days ago. Mr Nyyssölä's blog
This reminded me of my very mixed feelings last autumn, after I had been on the stage for the first time.
I actually at that time had no idea, that it is even quite normal to feel down after competing, and I was terrified, felt so alone and wondered what was wrong with me.

So what went differently this year? Well, many things to tell you the truth. I must admit I felt a little down after the entire competition process was over, yet again I felt amazingly good I did better than in the year 2011. Of course this time it was also easier to carry on, thanks to my amazing support groups of which I will tell you about a little later. But I think the most important thing is to just keep on going. I think one should see fitness as an ongoing journey rather than a short trip. After all, this is the kind of sport you can ALWAYS do better! And people, listen to your coach! They probably have seen it all dozens of times before, and they know what is best for you.

So, motivation then. A funny word which people tend to use, when they "Just don't feel like it". -I've lost my motivation, some people say. I would like to ask them: What is that? What does it look like? Is it something you can eat? Sometimes it feels like motivation is the thing that people keep looking for, like that crazy old man was looking after his marbles all the time in a children's story. Here's a thought, instead of wondering if you are motivated or not, make sports an everyday thing like your job, or sleeping in the night time. You don't need any special forces to do sports. Just Do It. (and no, I do not have a sponsorship with Nike, at least not yet)

And finally let me get to the people who I look up to. The people who have given me strength, faith and a lot of laughs as well.

I know this is a sort of a cliche, but yes I do look up to my mother. I can't remember how many hours I spent at the gym lobby, too young to train myself, when she was WEIGHT training in the 80's. To most people this was completely shocking at that time, but I thought my mom was the superwoman, and she still is. A couple of years ago she survived 14 blood cloths in her lungs. The doctors said it was a miracle, and said she only survived because of her super strong heart. The same heart that was doing weight training already in the 80's.

I met this girl in a work related environment many years ago, and I must admit at first I thought that girl is one tough cookie. Through the years we worked together I started to appreciate her "No bull shit" -attitude, her courage to do her own thing and the fact that she was always keeping herself fit.
Minna has now lived a couple of years already in NYC, and everyday I admire her courage to just leave everything and pursue her dream. Minna's Facebook page
I was so flattered when she once told me I am the person that keeps her going. Motivates her to go to the gym and helps her when she is feeling down. Well, Minna, it goes both ways! Remember the slobby, lazy girl I once was? It was your awesome company at the gym, that made me come there day after day. So I definitely wouldn't be me without Minna.
Funny thing: Last spring I visited Minna in NYC, and of course we had to go to the gym as often as possible. It was about the second day at the gym that they gave us the nick name "Crazy Finns". So you can imagine the amount of (pardon my french) ASS WHOOPING that was happening at the Crunch Gym.

This is me and Minna a couple of years ago.
And me about 12 kilos ago.

Jari "Bull" Mentula
So "The Bull" is my coach. Lot's of people make funny faces when I tell them this. Some of them say things like "oh my, he must be so tough on you" or "he is scary". Well, in my opinion there is nothing scary about him but to me it is very important that your coach has credibility, authority and he tells you things exactly the way they are. Jari has that "cut the crap" attitude, and he sticks to the facts. He has never yelled at me, never said anything inappropriate and he has always been very supportive. Even the times I had some serious thoughts about quitting my fitness career after a bad break up, he kept me standing. So yes, you will see me in the Fitfarm team in the year 2013 as well. 

Of course this is also the perfect place to thank all the other people and companies who supported me in this years Bikini Fitness competition:

- My boyfriend
- My Family
- Satu "Stu" Horne, for amazing make up, support and just being there for me
check out Satu's cool new store Co.Stu&Me to be opened soon in Kalevankatu 26 A
- My co-workers 
- Minttu from Hius Magia
-Jani from Revolution Hair
-Armi Mähönen, for my AMAZING competition tan
- Bianca Neve, for my NOT blingy bikinis
- Emma Reunanen, for helping me with my last week supplement problems

For without all of you I would not have looked like this in the Expo 

Edit: HAD TO add this one picture of me
and Satu "Stu" Horne,
taken a week before the Expo in Jyväskylä

Monday, October 1, 2012

So I finally did it...

So I finally did it: I am blogging. I really had to think about this very hard, but lately there have been so many people writing e mails and Facebook messages for me, that I guess this will be a little bit easier than to write back to all of them individually.

The title of my blog has many meanings. Firstly in a way these writings are just small bites of my journey towards better results in Bikini Fitness. Secondly then again, let's face it... Sometimes this stuff just BITES, big time. It's the times you would just like to cuddle against your boyfriend in the morning under a warm blanket and you realize it's time for that morning cardio. Or how about the times when you go out for a dinner with your friends and can not share a family sized pizza? Nevertheless, I think it's all worth it  AND it is MY path which I have chosen to walk. Oh and thirdly, let's not forget "Bikini Bite". Every bikini competitors best friend, which glues your teeny weeny bikini to your skin.

But why did I choose to write this in English then? Well, there are various reasons for this. Firstly I have always enjoyed reading all sorts of literature in English, secondly I am currently working in a large international company so using English actually good practice for me. Oh, and not to forget my friends all over the World who have also been asking me how I am doing.

So what can I say, sit back, fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride.