Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby's got (a bad) back

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

About a month ago, I woke up to quite a heavy back pain. It's not like I haven't had my share of back pains before, but this time I could feel it was something more serious than just regular muscle pain from training.

So, I decided that I woul not wait for the pain to just go away by itself, and went to the doctors. I am lucky that I have health care which is provided by the company I work for, but the first visit to the doctor's was almost next to nothing. They just gave me mild painkillers and sent me home to rest for a couple of days.

After these couple of days, the pain was starting to get unbearable, so back to the doctor's I went. The solution was to perscribe me stronger painkillers and more rest. The new painkillers didn't help at all, and I almost lost my ability to move completely. The pain was so severe that I couldn't even get up from bed by myself. I have to thank the heavens for my amazing boyfriend who took care of me for these weeks I was almost about to lose my mind because of the pain.

Finally, after two weeks I got an appointment with a doctor who specialises in back pains. Finally I got the feeling that I am being taken seriously. He ordered some very strong painkillers for me and arranged an MRI for me.

So, what was the verdict then? What's wrong with my back?

I could write the entire page of the diganosis, but let's keep it simple:
1. I have three injured spinal discs, which have leaked the spinal fluid and have moved backwards
2. They also found an old injury, a sort of a ruptured spinal disc which has to be over a year old
(I have no idea when this has happened, I don't remember of being in serious pain before)
3. I also have a slight scoliosis in my back

Reality check time!

So what can I say. I have no idea if I can continue in the Bikini Fitness competitions ever again. The doctor said that it could take up to a year until my back is completely painless.
But to tell you the truth... I am now just happy about the fact that I can walk and move again!

I learned a lot about being a captive at home. To value life, to value my job, to value my family and friends. So, now the only way is up. I've started my rehabilitation program and I haven't  felt this much alive in a long time.

So, I will NOT give up on sports, but I have to rehabilitate myself and take baby steps towards a painless future. Take care of your backs people! Stay warm and look out for slippery and icy pavement!